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  • Collision Set Defines which Collections are part of the Collision System.
    • Everything All visible scene objects are part of the Collision System. (Default)
    • Include Collections Only the listed Collections are used.
    • Exclude Collections All except the listed Collections are used.
  • Ignore Wireframes Don't collide with objects that have their display mode set to 'Wire' or 'Bounds'
  • Ignore Animated Don't collide with objects that are animated or have active rigid body physics. This applies to the object itself, any of its parents and any enabled constraints.
  • Full Evaluation SSlow but comprehensive: Evaluates the objects considering modifiers, constraints, and other procedural edits. When disabled, only the base mesh data will be used (Faster).
  • Collection Instances Includes Collection Instances in the Collision. This includes Linked Libraries and nested Collections.
  • Samples Collision substeps: the default value should cover most use cases.