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  • View The Initial View when OmniStep is started. When set to 'Current' it can be either a camera or perspective view. When set to 'Camera' it uses the current active camera, regardless of the currently active view. When aborting the operator with Esc, it restores the previous view and any changes to the camera.
    • Set Focal Length When in a perspective view, the focal length can be overwritten.
    • Focal Length The target focal length in mm.
  • Spawn at By default, OmniStep starts in the current view or active camera. This behavior can be changed to use a 'Collection' instead. When enabled, it uses all 'Empty' objects in the Collection as starting positions. Cycle through them by pressing R. The Empty Z-axis is 'Up' and Y-axis is 'Forward'. If no Empties are found or the Collection is removed, it will revert to the current view.
    • Collection Target Collection with Empties used as Spawn Points.
  • Framerate Set this to the desired target Framerate. Since Blender cannot detect your display's actual refresh rate, you should adjust the value manually if using a high refresh rate display. If the scene is too heavy and the actual framerate is lower, OmniStep internally compensates for this, to keep the physics and movement framerate independent. This setting has no influence on the recording framerate when 'Animation' is active.
  • Scene Scale Units in OmniStep default to meters. If you set a custom scale, all related properties (such as 'Gravity', 'Player Height', etc.) will be internally adjusted to match that scale. This means that even if you're using a custom scale, you should always treat Omnistep's parameters as if they were in meters.
    E.g.: When your blender Scene is in Centimeters, you set the Scale to the cm preset (Value=100), and keep everything else as it is.
  • Gravity Sets the World Gravity in m/s². By default it uses 20.0 m/s². While this is higher than Earth's gravity, it is commonly used in games because it provides a more believable sense of movement and weight in gameplay. You can set other Presets: Source Engine 15.24 m/s², Earth 9.81 m/s², or use a custom value.